Embracing Wellness Together: The Transformative Power of the Tor Wellbeing Group

Home Made Granola

Do you ensure the family and animals eat well, have appropriate activity, rest and relaxation and encourage good sleep habits? Do you look after yourself the same way? In your fast-paced and demanding life, prioritizing your wellbeing can be a challenging task. However, the journey to a healthier, happier life doesn’t have to be a […]

Chat GPT v Sports Nutritionist

Late to the party as usual, but I have been experimenting with Chat GPT. I have been enjoying myself asking different questions and been amazed at how quickly responses are produced. There are definitely benefits to be had such as getting inspiration, a starting point and a point of view. However, it is also a […]

September News

Tor Nutrition Seminar

Tor Wellbeing The new Tor Wellbeing started this month. With a focus on using diet and nutrition to support improving health and lifestyle there has been specific attention paid to weight loss. So far we have had 2 virtual meetings, shared 3 recipes and an informative email. There is a whatsapp group and 1-2-1s to […]

August News

I have had a brilliant Summer and been on some great holidays with my two children. We have explored a few different areas in the UK and I have had an opportunity to relax and recharge ready for September, which I am super excited about. Along with the usual services available at Tor Nutrition I […]

July News

Spicy Chicken Wrap

As I am sure you are aware, I have linked with M20 Health, a sports performance business based at The Northern Tennis Club, Manchester. M20 Health offer services in injury rehabilitation, strength & conditioning, gait analysis and bike fit, female specific services and performance testing. I am therefore able to offer Tor Nutrition clients additional […]

Collaboration with M20 Health

M20 Health and Tor Nutrition Collaboration

I am very happy to share that I have linked up with M20 health. M20 Health are sports, injury, health and wellbeing experts. They offer a massive range of services including physiotherapy, massage, strength & conditioning, gait analysis and bike fitting, endurance coaching, womens health physiotherapy and physiological testing. The collaboration will increase the range […]

Milk and Alternatives

Milk Nutrition

I have been asked a few times about the difference in protein and calcium content of cows milk and milk alternatives. Back in the day – there was just milk. Now we have skimmed, semi, whole, 1%, oat, soya, almond, the list just goes on. But how do they compare? Not being able to answer […]

Carbohydrate Content

Are you a gluten free athlete? Have you ever wondered how much carbohydrate there actually is in gluten free products and how this compares to the ‘regular’ version? I was asked this very question on a Q&A session and I had to say ‘I don’t know!’ ‘But, I will find out.’ So I did the […]