The Tor Wellbeing October Challenge has sadly come to an end. The competition became quite intense, but was really fun and everyone was engaged. in the end it was an incredibly tight contest. I had no idea the group members would be this competitive! But the winner is…Amanda Anderson-Holton.

Amanda- winner of Tor Wellbeing October Challenge

Amanda has been a real asset to the Tor Wellbeing group. She has totally embraced the vision of the group and got involved. Her commitment to the October step challenge was incredibly impressive. Amanda was selected as the winner not only because she completed the most steps in the month (485,188) but also because her improvement from September was fantastic. She increased her step count by 133,601 steps. As impressive as this is, you should also take into account she was also recovering from Covid and is having a very gradual return to training due to a long term injury.

“I am pretty surprised and chuffed! It was a real eye opener how few steps I had been doing. Once I got into it I loved it.”

Amanda Anderson-Holton

The real win for all members of the group are the adoption of the habit of walking daily and how it can be fitted into really busy lifestyles when it becomes a priority.

Walking is so good for your physical and mental health. It is free and there are very few barriers to participation.

If you want to join Tor Wellbeing and get some group support and friendship to help you prioritise your health and wellbeing, get in touch at